Friday, December 31, 2010
Men Wearing Panties And Girdles
view of the fact that I very much doubt of being able to write something sensible tomorrow and face that I'm leaving to go practice now to celebrate New Year - with a little 'in advance, eh!
So, Happy New Year to all, dear f-list and occasional guests! Have a good last year, for sbronzatevi fine but then do not drive, so on the bottle of champagne * hides behind her back *
And we hope that 2011 is a much better year than the past:) Take care
Succinylcholine Chloride In Archery
Myspace Happy New Year Comments & Graphics
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Updating Cellebrite Flash Drive
and thank you to my dear
I hope you had a beautiful Christmas Laurie *hug you and the guys*
Thank You Glitter Graphics -
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Lobster And Crab Dip Recipe
Christmas extends increasingly *-* Oh, what a beauty! And what a wonderful gift, totally unexpected that I received. It 's a thought that warms my heart because it is for me, and I'm incredibly jealous ♥
The songs are all wonderful! You can listen and download here
And because he did everything perfect, there's also the cover ♥ * moved *
Monday, December 27, 2010
Toilet Pipe Does Not Have A Flange
with my 85 comments and fifth place, are officially the vintage of a courtesan
Cervical Position In Early Pregnancy
Apparently Christmas this year does not begin and end on December 25 XD
These gifts are a wonderful surprise for the heart ♥
That's amazing banner created
Thank you thank you thank you!
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Paragoric Still Available
Christmas came, we killed for food (and for me it is not over yet, today's group of friends for lunch and dinner), and I must say of tenderness
♥ Never quest ' years I felt the Christmas spirit, and this has contributed much to the wonder of stories on the theme Nocturne, and gifts of all authors, to be honest! A Christmas
easier than usual I would say, finally. My friends all seem on the brink of the precipice, to think about their future (students, aspiring to competitions, which are not written thesis in the absence of research and professor, and so on ...) in this period (and if I did the right I do, I feel it too), and this has had an impact in many small habits that Christmas fell short. This year for the first time in years I will make the New Year in town (also for Australia because the pennies are saved ... now it's official, in 2011 at least 2-3 weeks beyond me to do XD) . But this simplicity has resulted in genuine affection. This is not the spirit of Christmas?
And you've received some wonderful gifts! I have melted the heart ♥
That wonder girl who is
EDIT: It is not over here * O *,
♥ Thank you thank you all for the warmth, affection, good wishes and gifts!
A huge kiss!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
On Virtue Ethics Hursthouse
Happy happy Holidays to you too and a wonderful 2011, may every your wish come true ♥
Thank You Glitter Graphics -
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Hiv Test Results How Long Military
Merry Christmas hikaruryu ! ♥ A little thought, dedicated to your beautiful "The Capture of Peter Pan"! * And who passes through here and have not yet read, wireless XD * to do a little 'disordered at home, but it's my first fanmix, and I assure you that my little heart is all XD
(photoshop and I do not go well together, I hope that the results of 'Cosini These two are not too scary)
Muse - Falling Away With You ["... so much so true that you can not remember the day when you found love or the one in which not loved him. The fact that you accept it happily, however, does not make it any less painful reality ..."]
Richard Ashcroft - A Song for the Lovers [Seamus's hand with tenderness and care attention, even if this is not for him ]
Twin Muses - Lovers [lemon, of course XD]
Part Two
Placebo - In the Cold Light of Morning [Dean wakes up, dazed and confused, remembering the strange sensations]
OneRepublic - Come Home [last words, the truth. Everything comes back, and it is like coming home.]
Designs Of Vigana Hair
Author: nefene
Title: Broken Glass
Beta: \u0026lt;/ span> acardia17
Pairing: Remus / Sirius
Genre: Introspective, Angst Warnings
: Flash-fic
Rating: Pg13
words Number: 439
Summary : There are four colored glasses in the cupboard.
NdA : When Remus is summoned to Hogwarts to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts, go back to visit years after the Shrieking Shack.
corposissimo thanks to \u0026lt;/ span> acardia17 , fast and always so precise and careful. And when I smooth the ruffled hair XD A big kiss darling. For
\u0026lt;/ span> zia_chu ! ♥ Merry Christmas, my dear! Did you send your letter, and Santa Claus has left me Read more ... I missed a bit 'between the various points and then all of a sudden (I was doing and thinking about the salad fanmix) jumped out this . I hope that this calm my very first attempt (it was a challenge and an experiment at the same time - when he saw acardia17 Annex "RemusSirius" for betaggio did not believe it XD) with the Remus / Sirius you can make at least a little 'pleasure. I would note there sgorbietto XD Upside always a little 'with photoshop ^ ^ "
A big kiss ♥ And again, Merry Christmas!
\u0026lt;/ span>
broken glass.
There are four colored glasses in the cupboard. Arranged in line like soldiers at attention, yellowed by time and aged from the gray dust that has settled over them. An empty bottle and left in a corner of the room.
The Shrieking Shack has remained the same, with the cobwebs, the squeaks, broken furniture, the ghostly atmosphere that has come to love and that is family from a lifetime.
ran a finger on the edge of a yellow glass, and then a green and close to the heart of the breath-taking; to swallow - it's like he stuck a big rock on the bottom of the gorge - to breathe again relegated to a corner and thoughts and memories, to be able to stay, albeit unsteadily, standing. Matter of training, now.
diverts the eye slowly: since it opened that locker he felt attracted by the small red cup, right next to what once was his, blue. A melancholy smile and love deforms features, and with fingertips touching the cold surface of the glass purple. Thick clumps of dust adhering to his skin.
There are questions that sometimes do not have the strength to suppress. Yet there is no logic in abandoning the memories, when they proved to be false, inconsistent: its past is nothing but a cruel charade. But when his life was never really a matter of logic? And there, in that room, can not stop the thoughts, can not help but wonder if there is still a trace of the taste of Firewhiskey in those four small glasses. If there is anything left of what they were then.
And if that red cup on the board there is still the flavor of Sirius.
If still unable to close his eyes to hear him, that flavor, moist skin with kisses and bites, tongue intertwined with that of one who was once his friend, paste alcohol and desire. He felt tremble inside every single time, and was convinced that his life could be enclosed and kept in kisses.
Disclosing the eyelids, with bated breath to stop the tears that unwanted are already wetting his eyes and moves his hand on the blue glass, affording at last to touch it again, after so many years. Picks it up from the shelf and holds in his palm. Then, slowly, stretches his hand, letting it slip to the tips of his fingers, and then even further.
The sound of shattering glass broke the silence of the Shack, cut the thread of his memories.
There are three colored glasses in the cupboard, placed with an order that is meaningless.