wonderful reading.
who like the genre ... will love it!
review I posted yesterday on libri.forumcommunity ... XD
from the Preface: This
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;... "Musicophilia" is a fact of human culture. May be developed or shaped by the culture in which we live, from life circumstances or by the special talents and weaknesses that characterize us as individuals, nevertheless, is so deeply rooted in our innate nature to ourselves to consider ... >>
Oliver Sacks The ability to penetrate the secrets of the mind, engage the reader, to deal with absolute sensitivity and the clinical cases intellligenza even more dramatic and delicate, finds full expression in his latest work "Musicophilia." The
subtitle says by way of example, "Tales of Music and the Brain", and in fact it is a completely original and exciting collection of short stories that lead us to explore all the floors of the relationship between man and music, from both an emotional and passionate, both from a clinical point of view.
Sacks, in fact, investigating the mechanisms of brain dysfunction involving acoustic processes (the amusia, disharmony, the musical epilepsy, hallucinations sound ...) presenting case studies, but also the human capacity to imagine and produce music and implement it as pleasant and harmonious, and musicality in general. Wonderful
parties in which they examined the fascinating phenomena of exceptional musical abilities, such as perfect pitch, or in which he confronted the subject and the application of music therapy in neurological, particularly in cases of Alzheimer's Parkinson disease, Tourette syndrome, aphasia, and dementia.
Each page also shows us the absolute love of music of the author.
no doubt a challenging and interesting reading.
9 / 10
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