Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Nipple Secretions During Sucking


Last week I went to a garden center, and guess what? Yeah, I bought another couple of cyclamens! LOL I'm crazy but I can't stop myself when I see them XD Just look how nice they are please, and that little basket? lovely ♥
And my Pink Rose is totally crazy, it is blossoming now, in November!!! When I saw it I was like WTF?! But it is lovely too, I love my little balcony right now, it's full of colors and I love colors too.

La settimana scorsa sono stata in un vivaio e indovinate un po' che cosa ho preso? SIIII! Un altro paio di ciclamini, piccoli però eh, with these now up to eight but it seems that when I see them I can not refrain from taking them XD I mean, look how beautiful that are in that little basket!
adorable ♥ And my pink rose is completely insane, it is flourishing now, in November! When I saw I was O___o likely to be because of this winter that never comes this year, boh, however well she is very beautiful, I love my balconicino in this period is full of color and I love the colors.

I find out a book I would like to buy about flowers and colors, I think it suits me in Some way. It's Color By Design by Sandra and Nori Pope, They Are a Canadian couple who now live in England and run Hadspen Garden and Nursery , I saw Their garden yesterday in a television show, it's a wonderful world, I really Would like to live there too.

I found a book that I'd like to buy soon, full of flowers and colors, I think we definitely do for me. It's called Color By Design, and Sandra and Nori Pope, a Canadian couple who now live in England and is the guardian of the walled garden, the name of the nursery that is always there Hadspen Garden and Nursery, I saw a yesterday in a program on TV and it's something wonderful, I too would like to live in a place like this. I guess at least I can go and visit someday. Here


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