* O * Well, the very thought of having to take the train at 7 o'clock to go to put that right is not that much fun ... but damn! Packed like sardines in those wagons (considering that they have not yet taken away the old trains to replace them entirely with the CAF, without any possibility of movement, without any possibility of breathing and especially without the possibility to change songs on your iPod! Anyway. I understand that people have to go to work, the stream of people is also due to that and it's a good reason ... I can understand that you do to get elbowed in an already overcrowded car, maybe it's the only one take not to be late. Obviously it is a necessity.
MA, damn it, making out with your boyfriend while we are stuck like pieces of tetris is NOT a good idea! Every time I take the head inclined to the nose, if I ride I end up your hair in your mouth, and what the heck! If everyone takes their own language in their mouths the time of a race I can assure you that you do not die! It does not take a genius to figure out that unless we move the better, for themselves and for others, eccheccavolo!
And, for the cunning series, if the train is stationary mean you can not fall - unless your sense of balance is not worse than my sense of direction, in which case you should go around with a stick Dr. House - and consequently that there is no need to stay and occupy all the way out. The simple fact is, after elbowing and said a lot of "residence" and "sorry" through gritted teeth, I can not risk losing the bus stop because you have to take when the train is stopped. Why else would like arm the next time you broke it.
And last but not least ... it does not take a genius to understand that if 30 people all come together by a door 3 can not go out with a suitcase in hand and then your girlfriend. What is this? The festival of idiots? Terms Not Good heavens! It 's the dock Eur Magliana! E 'practice in a corridor, you can not slow down or stop to 30 people because they shield you with your outstretched arm while pulling the poor girl swallowed by the crowd, go ahead and wait for it rather than not being able to use the arm-barrier in order to unravel the case entangled somewhere and the good Lord gave you two hands, use it!
Now, I do not know if this post will be read by someone who does one of these things. Personally I have nothing against kissing in public, and far be it from me to say that couples should not be holding hands (very far from me), but a little 'brain does not hurt, right?!
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