Title: A Wizard's Pocket Guide to Dwelling 3 / 4 (Magical Guide to Staying in pocket)
Beta : Fuffy
Rilettrice : Maryweather
To link, warning, notes, and so on, refer to Part 1
[Part 1] [Part 2]
Scorpius goes to bed, but can not sleep, and did not seem right to masturbate. Somehow now it feels as if he were what is observed, and perhaps it is the fault of sexual frustration, but with the passing of night becomes increasingly angry with Albus for the way he reacted. If he did not want to go with him because he has accepted? If you have changed your mind once you are there, because he has not given up the occasional fuck? Certainly would have been able to agree on a moment to postpone to another time, without Scorpius in tow. Why should it bother him, though Scorpius okay? He never asked for anything to Albus. Over the past ten years has done anything for him - when he finished wiping his forehead to vomit after a night of self-destruction, be sure to eat regularly, refrain from expressing a negative comment on his relationship with Teddy. What are you doing there again if it can not obtain anything?
Scorpius The next morning he wakes up early and prepare a toast, nervously staring at the bedroom door to Albus. When he finally hears the commotion coming from inside is almost noon, and spent the whole morning on the sofa, reading from cover to the Daily Prophet. When Albus emerges from his room is already fully dressed, unusually on a Saturday morning, and heads towards the kitchen without even cast a glance at Scorpius.
" Your brother is in the paper today," he begins Albus while fixing the empty interior of the refrigerator.
" As always."
" Do you want me to read it?" Offers Scorpius, returning to the article on James' participation in a conference in Suffolk. Apparently he made a speech particularly inspired.
" I try not to think at all to him, thanks," replied Albus. It collects water from the tap in palms of hands and drinks it, standing with his face on the sink.
" You took some effort for today?" Asked Scorpius.
" Yes, actually." Albus finally laying eyes on him. "Is that okay?"
" Look, man -"
" I gotta go," Albus interrupts him, hurrying to the door. "I already late. "
Furious with him, because he thinks he has the right to behave in that way, Scorpius angrily slams the newspaper. Walk up and down the room for a moment, then quit to follow him, uncertain how it could be justified if the other one would notice him. He hears the door slamming in the hall and ran down the stairs to the first floor, reaching the entrance of the building in time to see Albus cross the street.
Scorpius follows him as he enters the city as they approach the Leaky Cauldron, is expected to place in Diagon Alley, but the other moves forward, heading towards the River. Cross the bridge that leads to the Ferris wheel, where the tourists if they are Muggles lined up with their children. Scorpius hesitant, cautious, considering the possibility of transforming, but it could be dangerous to the nearby river, where seabirds soar. It is not certain that they eat lizards, but there is always the threat of the hawks and it's pretty crowded on Saturday afternoon for him to risk being trampled.
Albus buy an ice cream stick and sits on a bench near the river, keep families Muggle taking pictures, posing with Big Ben behind them. Scorpius expected to reach a potion of black market drug dealer or someone who appears for an appointment, but Albus gets up without seeing and wanders aimlessly along the pier. Scorpius asks for what it was late, then realized that was a lie, he just wanted to get away from him. This awareness, and the crowd thins out as they move away from Albus London Eye, the door to almost turn around and go back, crestfallen and ashamed, but when Albus approaches a group of teenagers who are Muggles skateboard under an overpass behind a trash can, and notes.
The makeshift skateboard arena is covered with graffiti, and there are at least ten Muggles who travel in a zig zag, wheels that slide easily to the top of the trampoline and collide with the concrete with a violent snap. Albus held his hands in his pockets and fixes them. Scorpius is expected to seek eye contact with one of them, the trailers, it fits in a dark corner and into his pants. But if he just sits there, like a guy who does not know how to make friends.
Lunch at a pub near Waterloo station. Scorpius is watching from the outside, the pub has huge windows overlooking a semi-obscured view of the river and Westminister in the distance. Albus eating a sandwich, drinks two pints, flirts with the waitress. Scorpius began to feel incredibly guilty, and then only deceived. His stomach is complaining loudly. They were to spend the day together. He had taken it for granted that every time Albus had left the apartment for the company of someone who could give him something that Scorpius could not. Is not surprised by the fact that Albus wants to spend their day among the Muggles, who do not recognize it and do not start crying for the death of his father, but had never thought that Albus would be alone with your thoughts. It is, actually, quite a dangerous pastime for him.
After eating, Albus took the subway to return to Leicester. Scorpius must be transformed so as to overcome the turnstile on the sly, not with her Muggle money to buy a ticket. Back when the human is on the train, hiding in the back of the cab. It is unlikely that Albus sees it, the train is full and Albus is dozing against the window. It is more concerned that someone may have seen him as he turned, but no one seems to address more than a glance.
Albus down to King's Cross and drag between the people like a sleepwalker, ignoring the insults shouted after business when it hits their shoulders. He stops at a kiosk for coffee and smiles for the first time all day. A blond boy wearing a green apron leans his head from the window of the shack and smiled.
Scorpius can not hear their conversation, but does not need it. The boy rests his elbows on the counter, which Albus holds the edge with both hands, laughing about something that the other is saying. Scorpius comes dangerously close, the pounding of his heart is a warning that is lost in the din the crowd. He pretends to read a magazine in the kiosk next to the one in which it was formed Albus.
" Can you pinched some food for me?" Is asking for Albus. Scorpius quell'inflessione not hear in his voice a bit ', maybe always. He is speaking softly to the boy, who has thin arms and a rash that looks like a confession of guilt. Do not you feel falsehoods in his tone, but Albus is good at this sort of thing.
" What you doin '?" Asks another. "Coffee? A macchiato? "
" What the heck is a macchiato? "
" Do you prepare one. You'll enjoy it. "
Albus smiled, watching him work. Behind him the line is formed. Scorpius know they should leave. But when he does is just to follow the boy and Albus, which pellets the apron in her hands.
leaving the station and start walking towards the British Library. Albus sits on a step in the courtyard and drinks latte, the guy next to him, laughing too. It can not be over eighteen, have an awful accent, and is definitely a Muggle. Scorpius crouches behind the base of a statue, some rational part of himself that you're giving up, ready to leave. He was beginning to raise their hopes, as she watched Albus drag for the city, only among the Muggles. When these and the boy away from the courtyard, near the shoulders, knows he should not follow them. But changes without really thinking about it and how fast lizard moves along the sidewalk, tracing their steps.
The boy lives in a building where more squalid than Albus brought him the night before. Of dogs barking from behind the doors, while Scorpius rises quickly up a flight of dark stairs to reach the apartment where he had seen them disappear. Pray that the bottom of the door there is a slit that compels him to squeeze too much and is happy to discover that the more fat rat in London could easily slip under it.
Albus Inside the apartment is already kissing the boy, panting strong, trembling as if he were to have just one swallowed a cup of coffee. Scorpius is hiding behind a cardboard box full of CDs, peering from one side.
" My roommate will be back in an hour," says the boy Albus while unbuttoning his shirt with studied care.
" Would you expect it?" Asked Albus.
" wait? I - "The boy's eyes open wide when he realizes what he is proposing Albus. They laughed, and pulled closer.
" Just kidding," he says. "You're the only one I want," he added in a whisper, and now Scorpius knows. That is all a farce.
" Colin," gasped the boy kisses his neck while Albus and Scorpius expected to be offended, until he realizes that is what is the name he said he had. Maybe it was the name usually used when it is among the Muggles. I'm leaning against the back of a worn-out sofa, the seat of the boy perched precariously on the pillows. When Albus's sliding a hand between her legs, the boy gasps and moves away with a start, only to slide down on the couch. Albus laughs, leans over and looks down at him.
" I've ever done," says the boy.
" do not need to tell you." Albus revolves around the couch to lie down on him. Scorpius can only see their feet dangling over the edge and ran across the floor in search of a better view, hoping that the boy has a cat.
Albus also has its hand in khaki work pants of the boy, and this is tightening the elbow, as if he could not decide if he wants to move it away from him or not. Baciagli face, would suggest Scorpius. The boy is handsome, stupid, scared. Reminds him of someone.
" I feel awfully strange," Albus says, laughing against the neck of the other. "What you put in coffee?"
" Colin," whispers the boy, and for a moment Albus forget to look up. It should not be a name that is usually used. "I -" mutters. Albus pushes back, and slips between her legs. "You can tell me if it's not good," he says, the words barely audible. Unbuttoning the pants Albus, pressed his palm against him with curiosity, his face red, before lowering the zipper. Albus, puts a hand on his shoulder, and the other on his neck.
" Just do not hit me," he murmurs. He's smiling, but it could be serious.
"I would not do ever! "
" I know, "Albus replied, stroking his hair.
Scorpius can tolerate their jealousy only wishing that Teddy would see this. Albus emits cries of encouragement while the other sucks, and weaves a hand to her hair. Never lowers his eyes, not stop watching.
" Okay?" Exhales the boy, raising his eyes on him. Albus nodded languidly, sticks a finger between her lips, sucking him too.
Use the lubricant on the boy to Long Duration of Mr. Malkin and Scorpius smiles to see the familiar elongated bottle - was hidden with her in many pockets - and the general stupidity of Albus , which uses a potion on a Muggle. Not that the boy is able to distinguish the ceiling from the floor once Albus slipped inside him. Moans come from her lips uneven, and says he likes, holding tight to Albus.
" say you're mine," manages to mutter Albus before coming. Her teeth are clenched with the effort not to push hard in that opening a virgin, her thighs trembling as the other envelop her conscience.
" 'm yours, I'm yours." The boy kissed him between sobs dry. It does not say seriously. Albus seems exhausted when it ends, for something deeper than the effort. He puts his head on his chest and the other backs off from his body. The boy sighs of relief and wipes the sweat pearls on her upper lip.
" Jesus," says the ceiling.
" Why do you always call him after sex?" Albus murmured.
" you? Who do you? "
" Nothing. "Albus got up, glissando on what he just said. "Everything okay?"
" Yes," he says. "You'd better go. My roommate, "
" Yeah, right, your roommate, "Albus interrupts him. Scorpius is hiding under the couch in a hurry, certainly for a moment that Albus know he is there. The apocalyptic scenario is under the sofa - there are cats of powder of a size to make him feel microscopic and dead cockroaches lying on his back.
" Thank you," says the boy. "It was intense." Chuckles stupidly, as he was in the yard, this time with a look a little 'unhappy.
" Yeah. Thanks for the coffee. "
Albus and Scorpius is out the door hear a guy go to the kitchen, then the sound of a beer uncorked. Perhaps it is not so young, could have their twenties. Scorpius has the feeling that he was somehow pointing to the portfolio of Albus, but does nothing incriminating when he is gone, simply turn on the TV while he ran across the floor and out into the corridor. It becomes, a child cries somewhere on that floor. Returning human being, a feeling of claustrophobia oppress him, dematerialized and without checking if anyone can see it disappear in midair.
Albus already foolishly hopes to find the apartment. It is empty. Scorpius is hungry, he should go down to the shop run by a witch who prepares the Bolivian meatballs incredibly good, but the joy of having a penis to be tightened again after a whole afternoon in his Animagus form sends him right in his room bedroom. Leave the door open to challenge, or suicidal.
In his usual position - on his back, legs, knees slightly raised, his pants still around his ankles because he loves the feeling of being tied up - he realizes that is not working. He has too many thoughts, just like the three times it was with Albus. He can not really let go, too many things have happened. Part of his mind is left with Albus, who wanders through the city, maybe you're already fucking someone else at that time, another face clean Muggle or a mysterious older man will say "Potter" as if it were a curse, while Albus sliding his tongue the length of his erection.
the solution is clear only because of the open door. Over the holiday can also see that the entrance of the room is open to Albus.
Once Albus d room, closes the door. The mere fact of being there confused his perceptions, lifting it up and makes it sink in more depth at the same time. Is dropped on the tangle that is the bed. Albus never does it again and it is not hot, just because it's summer. On his knees, burying his face in Scorpius pillow, breathing deeply and moaning, he begins to take pleasure in being pathetic. What else is left? Imagine that Albus suddenly come home, which is disappearing in the middle of the room and see him as he saw it, sitting in air, legs apart, and the penis that hangs heavy between them. Albus would just pack up, but Scorpius pretends that it does not, it raises a little to stimulate the legs, imagine that Albus take him without warning, going strong in him. Is suffocating in its smell, the warm scent of her shoulders and acid substrate of sex that covers those sheets unwashed.
" Fuck me," allows himself to speak, the words muffled by the pillow. "Oh, God, Albus. Forte . "
But even this works, so it begins to imagine Teddy and Albus in the same bed, trying not to scream Albus because her roommate is sleeping, Teddy with his smugly emitting low moans of the throat and holding a hand on her shoulder, pulling him back because you never hear deep enough in the hot, close, docile bitch. Albus is strong on the sheets, notes semen fall on wet patches in blue cloth, like a confession.
The panic comes as soon as he finished, and for a moment you know that I can hear someone in the kitchen beyond. It cleans everything, puts the stick in his pants and heads for the door uncomfortable. Peers, and sees that the apartment is still empty. Seeks to recover the calm, breathe deeply, leans against the door. He turns for a last look to the room of Albus and ensure that the bed seems more authentically shabby. Imagine that Albus the spy, and hates himself for having done such a thing before, and hate even more the fact that you lost it, that Albus is out there somewhere to do things that he will never know anything.
would have to go to his parents' house for dinner, but erases the commitment, says he is sick. His mother will understand for sure that he's lying, but that night can not cope neither they nor their quiet sadness. He has enough problems of his own. He drinks a bit 'of Firewhiskey Albus, imagine it can be found in the taste, which pinches the burning lips. Three years have passed since the last time they kissed. They fell into a routine. They fell at the end, in a thousand pieces.
spends the night on the couch, wakes up with a headache and goes to the bathroom to find a potion. He hears the pop of a materialization beyond the door and somehow recognizes the sound it makes when Albus materializes. He memorized unconsciously. Frantic, as if he were about to be caught doing what he did the day before, the ghost of what still on his face, rushed into the bathroom and hides behind the shower curtain.
" Scorpius?" Albus calls him closer to his room. It feels ridiculous to hide no reason, but now can not get out. He feels that the drawers are opened, a zipper slide up something heavy. A suitcase? It becomes almost unconsciously into account, and scale the wall of the tank in a desperate attempt, her sharp nails by ticking the lizard with porcelain.
He moves cautiously towards the room of Albus and finds clothes that fills a small bag. Shame and the devastating terror: he must have seen him. Somehow he must have found out. If it is going away, forever.
Albus does not seem angry, just a little 'sad and tired. Sighs when he gets up. He goes to the table and opens a drawer, fishing the economic package of special oil in France is using Teddy. It's going somewhere with Teddy - Teddy is that is driving him away.
Albus When you move into the bathroom to take your toothbrush, Scorpius throws himself into his bag for the night, like a heavy door that closes quickly on his life. Slips to the end, upset by the anger he feels toward Teddy, Albus, himself. Consider the fact that they are not her business, reflects whether climbing in and out. Not occur to them that there might not be able to breathe Albus does not close until inside the hinge and hoist the bag over one shoulder.
While Albus runs out of the apartment and then down the road with a large bag, Scorpius crawls into the tangle of clothes and toiletries, feeling like a real animal, lost in the singular aim of finding a source air. Albus left corner of the zipper a little open and he settles down there, his body trembling animal to the reality of his entrapment, his human mind that is still trying to understand the implications of what he did.
" We've put little, "says Teddy. I'm in his car, a convertible with the hood down. Scorpius can not see far beyond the small slit in the bag, but he knows this car and know that Teddy does not travel via Floo use or when you see the materialization with Albus. Cute wives have found a way to track the magical journey of their husbands.
" There was no one home," Albus replication. Scorpius is not sure why he mentioned this reason, and regrets not having said hello and for the love of God , not having behaved like a normal person when Albus entered the apartment. He does not know what is taken, but that has distanced Albus in a way that has always feared something would happen to him uncontrollable.
" the weekend?" Teddy laughs. "Malfoy has really found something to do alone?"
" So it seems."
proceed along the road for a while ', in silence. Albus fiddles with the radio and ordered him to stop Teddy says he hates the music Muggle.
" What did you say to Clara?" Asked Albus.
" work commitments. A meeting that lasts all night. "
" on Sundays? A bit 'too much. "
" You do not need to believe, but I have to tell you something. "
" know who I am? "
" Relax, for heaven's sake. It is not imaginative enough to suspect you. Think this is a woman, I'm sure. "
" You know what would happen to me if someone found out. "
" I said I'm going to around to tell anyone? Albus Yes, I know your mom will cut off funds if you find out that you screwed by his adopted son. What can I say? If you take the risk, then not to. "
" is not money. "
" It is never about money, until someone takes them away yourself. & rdquo ;
Scorpius feels more perverse and excited to have sex when looking at Albus. So that's what you do with Teddy. So that's how.
not sure how much time they spend in the car before reaching the destination, it has a great sense of time when in his Animagus form. Albus reaches out to take his bag, and he makes sure to be hidden when it feels good lift from the back seat. From Teddy conversation with the doorman and the sound of the bell of the elevator, Scorpius claims that Teddy chose a Muggle hotel, as always. There is no possibility that he and Albus could get away with anonymity in a local magic.
" I'm going to take a shower," Albus said when they set foot in their room. Throw the bag, the clash with the floor shakes and confusing as Scorpius an earthquake. Teddy feels disinterested grunt and then the tinkle of some bottles, the suction cup of the door of a refrigerator. Up towards the small opening in the bag, wondering if it will be able to pass through. It could do, but not sure where he is Teddy and he will not find themselves crushed under his shoe, in the case were to be seen. Can only imagine the reaction of Albus, which emerges from the bathroom and finds a lizard green splattered on the carpet. For a moment he enjoys the idea that what it would feel a little 'guilty have gone, but it is becoming clear that it is not really gone away, but only to spend his nights with one of Teddy.
Perhaps my reaction was exaggerated , the thought is dry in his mind since he can not say it out loud. Would you laugh like a madman, would take at least remember the feeling to know what he's doing in his life. But the last time he felt must have been to Hogsmeade, when he was seventeen and Albus had dragged out from the Three Broomsticks and then into the woods nearby, the ice cracks that formed in the trees. Albus had said he had talk to him about something, and kissed him hard as soon as they found themselves a bit 'secluded. Trembles at the memory, wants to return human, feel the warmth of the skin, although it is nothing but his own.
" We go to dinner?" Albus asks when he returns from the shower.
" It's early."
" But I'm hungry."
" a drink. Relax! What's your problem today? "
" Nothing. "Still clink of bottles.
" Come here," says Teddy. "I'll massage your back."
Suddenly the zipper is opened. Scorpius is holed up in the bottom of the bag as fast as she could, terrified that Albus glimpse the last piece of his tail.
" What are you doing?" Teddy asks impatiently.
" I wanted to put her pants."
" Why? "
" I thought we were going to dinner "
" Albus is here . "
Bed springs creak. Scorpius is curled up inside the horse to those that, in fact, seem to be a pair of underpants.
" Seriously," says Teddy, the springs creak again. "What's the matter?"
" What do you care?" Albus murmured. "I do not see you on Monday." Emits a hissing sound. "It's' be careful," it warns. "Not so strong on his shoulders."
" I've never felt so tense," said Teddy. "What did you do? Worked? "Ride the idea.
" fucked other guys, to tell the truth."
Teddy chuckles derisively. "As if it were new to me. You know, people talk about you, Albus. You must be careful - you're still a celebrity. "
" Again, seriously? Well, yes that's a relief. As if I give a shit what people say. "
" Maybe you do not, but think of your mother. "
" Thinking my mother? You were thinking of her when I've discovered after the funeral? "
" We're back to this, then? "
" No - just - fuck. More down. Yes, there. Stronger - ah! "
Scorpius rises to the top of the bag. The hinge is open for half hour, and when it dares to look toward the bed, Albus and Teddy both have their faces turned towards him, Albus lying on his stomach, Teddy astride of him, sitting on his butt while the massaging his back. Squirts out of the bag under the other bed in the room. Peeking out from under his hideout, said the face of Albus, which is near the edge of the bed that he and Teddy are using. His eyes are closed, the expression decreased, while the other loosens the muscles. The verses that emits perfectly suspended between pain and pleasure, lead Scorpius to wonder if there would still be under that bed, if it turns. He wants to get a saw, but in that form can not even really excited.
" Tell me," Teddy said, drawing a path with his hands up to the bare bottom of Albus. "There were these other guys who have left you in pain?"
" From assume it's always me that for?"
" Please. "Teddy's lips are stretched into a smirk. "I know what you like."
Albus smiles against the covers, something small and secretive, and Scorpius would do if you could wink, referring both to the day before, the boy kiosk coffee. Teddy does not know anything. Albus Scorpius does not understand why not tell them.
" So they do it?" Asked Teddy. The separate legs, licks the tip of a finger, which are then teases him.
" Sometimes," Albus replied with a small voice, the words stuck in my throat. Scorpius asks whether it is another game. Has to be. He remembers a sixteen year old Albus, his face destroyed by the crying, all the dark rooms of the house, Teddy and that goes to him with a glass of warm milk. If only it had been there. They became friends after Harry's death, when Albus needed someone cynical enough to sit beside him in silence for long hours in the hallway of the most remote castle. If Harry Potter had not died, two of them probably would never have spoken.
"You are never evil? "Teddy asked in a whisper. He hopes that the answer is yes, the Scorpius can be seen on his face. Albus wants to hear it in his voice, but maybe he knows everything of Teddy, Scorpius knows more than you, and wants even more for this.
" hurt you, my poor little boy?" Teddy insists. He bent the phalanges in Albus now, with torches movement experts. "It hurts - here?" Inserted another finger without telling Albus gasped and winced and stiffens.
" Yes, "Albus said with a hoarse voice. "Yes, Teddy, is - it hurts"
" 're all angry and in pain, poor thing?"
" Yes - ah! - Please - "
" Tell me, tell me everything. "Albus Teddy pulls out his fingers and release the breath, rapidly flapping her eyelashes. "Come on," insists Teddy. Gets out of bed, crosses the other room and rummages in her bag until he finds the jar of lubricant.
" This type of Thursday," Albus began. "He told me I can be found near his home shortly before midnight. I had been with him and it was beautiful. I had no other programs. He brought this other guy with him, I had not spoken, and I tried to leave, but then did not want to see I was trying to leave, because I knew I did not have permission. So I just left. "
For a moment, Teddy seems genuinely upset, remains standing in the middle of the room, holding the lubricant with both hands.
" really happen?" She asks.
" is not important. I guess you were in bed with Clara, to hear the news. "
Teddy opens his mouth to reply, apologize for something, but then gives up and unscrew the lid of the jar.
" Poor thing, "he murmured, kneeling on the bed. He lubricates his fingers and inserted one, two, Albus, his actions are now more awkward. It is hard, and Scorpius is relieved to see that his penis is not so impressive.
" you have open for me?" Albus whispered behind his ear, and the cruelty inherent in his words so suddenly that ignites Scorpius begins to transform, and must focus on as possible to keep a lizard. Albus would hate him forever if it is discovered there and saw everything.
" have broadened my perfect hole and narrow?" Asked Teddy. Albus mutters something meaningless. There is a mini bottle of vodka on an empty table, shining light orange as the sun goes down. They left the curtains open. Must be a high floor. Scorpius is reeling from the effort to maintain its hidden form, forcing himself to look at the horrible picture on the wall.
" guess it was me to have done," says Teddy. "The first. God, you were heaven. Trembling and anxious and clinging to me like - "
" Fuck me if that's what you want to do, "exclaims Albus roughly, something hidden behind his words. "I've had enough of your damn fingers."
Teddy laughs, strokes his hair.
" This is my boy," he says. "It could never refuse a fuck."
When Albus raises the sit and prop up on elbows, Scorpius is hiding under the bed. Is going to feel bad and think that this could kill him if he is a lizard. Runs across the room, there's no way they see it, and slide under the crack in the door, he stumbles into the hallway carpet cheap and turns, falling on hands and knees. Dematerialize even before it had cleared his mind again, risk of splitting. But every single part of him so much want to return the apartment in London which arrives in one piece.
[Part 4]
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