Title: A Wizard's Guide to Pocket Dwelling 1 / 4 (Magical Guide to Staying in pocket)
Beta : Fuffy
Rilettrice : Maryweather
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Albus Severus / Scorpius
Characters: Albus Severus Potter , Scorpius Malfoy, Ted Lupin, Ginny Weasley
Rating: NC17
War Ningsia : Angst, Slash, Sex descriptive language, Post 7 th book (with epilogue), signs to Death of a secondary character past decades to report adult / child pass.
Link: you can find the original story here. This is the livejournal instead of
Disclaimer: The characters in this story belong to JKR and whoever owns the rights. Even the story is mine, but belongs to its original author.
Note of translator:
(Have you read the warnings? Yes? Well.)
Here I am with a wonderful story of the talented
A huge thanks also to Fuffy, my wonderful beta, who gave me an incredible hand, and Maryweather, an indispensable help! ♥
I leave you to read,
any opinion you want to leave will be translated and forwarded to the author!
You can find the story on Nocturne Alley
A Wizard's Pocket Guide to Dwelling
Scorpius wakes up a gloomy Monday morning with the feeling that something is amiss. He gets the night before thinking that maybe you forgot to lock the door, but as soon as he set foot in the living room is clear what the object out of place that continues to tease his subconscious. Albus is lying on the floor, practically in the kitchen with his legs dropped on the carpet behind the couch. Scorpius could feared to have died during the night, if this scene was not at all unusual.
" all right," murmurs talking to himself, as Albus will not be conscious for hours. "Without pulling up."
put his arm around his waist and pulls him to Albus - and with it the carpet that is rolled under his feet - in her room. He prefers not groped a Levitation spell at that hour of the morning. It is a spell that is complicated, but in the past is not always successful Albus good to pass over the door, and find the unnerving sight of that body floating in the air, limp and unconscious. The path to the bed is hampered by piles of clothes, books, and a trash can filled to the brim that for some reason is in the middle of the room. A corner of the rug you are entangled, when Scorpius drags him along with Albus. The rubbish scattered everywhere, and he groans annoyed while Albus goes to bed.
accept such a thing from any other roommate would be out of the question, but he is in love with Albus Potter for almost ten years, and is grateful for any excuse that allows him to wrap her arms around him. The sadness inherent in this humiliating not escape Scorpius, but neither stopped him from enjoying the weight of his friend's body pressed against his, whatever the circumstances.
It takes a shower, gets dressed, and eat a little 'mess of stale meat being bent over the sink, wondering what time it is Albus returned home the previous night. Scorpius was up late, not to wait, but horrible to read a novel that his mother advised him, fell asleep at about two o'clock in the morning thinking that Albus would have probably spent the night with Teddy in one of their horrible motel Muggles, but apparently it was not so, unless he and Teddy did not fight back, which explains the drunk who made it collapsing a few steps from the refrigerator. Scorpius Pour pumpkin juice in a tall glass and the door in the room of Albus.
" I go to work," he says, resting on the nightstand. "Are you okay? You need a potion? "
" You're taking a hammer on his head? "Albus murmured into the pillow.
"Oh. I think so. "
" Are you trying to tell me to stop talking? "
" Good job. "
" Thanks. I'll be home at six. "
Scorpius works in the acquisitions department, and spends the squiggle most of his days writing letters to old fool in possession of rare books that the store hopes to buy. It is also, more or less, the Deputy Director, since the witch who occupied that position formally resigned from her position two months earlier. Try to sit buried in the basement of the store as he can, ignoring the duties of his second work of which he was asked to deal with without being paid for it.
" can help me, please?" Fuchsia Burton calls him, the clerk of the store, the wooden stairs just before lunchtime.
" There's nobody here but us rats," he shouts in response Scorpius.
" What a laugh. Now take your ass on this scale before it is over there and I fix it. "
Technically Scorpius is one of his superiors, but also a friend of his, so I will not again for comment, merely grunting and moaning up the stairs to help you download a shipment of five hundred copies of the latest autobiography of some idiot who survived the war. These books were fascinating at first, especially for Scorpius, whose father had always refused to talk about that period of history, but more books were published about the war, the more the real involvement of the authors tended to be vague.
" What did he do this, a walk around Hogwarts ten days after the battle?" Scorpius asks, throwing a dirty look at the cover of The Best and the worst of the Story: My Life Under the rule of Voldemort. "And anyway, how long has really dominated , Voldemort, the second time? Should be more like 'a couple of months that I spent under the threat of Voldemort, when perhaps dominated'. "
" Tell whoever the age of my parents and I acknowledge ; to downplay the results of Potter, "says Fuchs. "You must live with his son?"
" You know it well."
" has already found a job?"
" What do I care? Pays its share of the rent. "
" could pay all the money he has. What he needs a roommate, anyway? "
" guess you're going to tell me. "
" keep up! Who are you, the waitress? His mother pays you a salary to keep him alive? It almost seems that you have not even slept. "
" That's just the way I look, has nothing to do with sleep. I'm a Malfoy, we are born already seem pale and exhausted. Anyway, give it a bit 'of truce, he has been through a lot. "
" Just ten years ago. "Fuchsia performs in an expression of compassion. "Look, we all lose something when Harry Potter is dead. I know that the world has not been the same for her children more than anyone else, but Albus has to go on with his life. It can not forever remain a-nothing, with that excuse. Look who made his brother! "
the Scorpius launch glares: Albus told him things about his brother, a high office of the Ministry, who is afraid to repeat. James is known to send their men against those who defame him in private.
" Stop it," he murmurs.
" Scorpius, dear, it's you I think."
" Thanks, but -"
"You're seeing someone? "
" Are you asking me out? "
" Stupid wanker, "he murmurs, shaking his head. "Albus is not the only one who should go forward with their lives. "
Scorpius continues to stack the books in silence. Harry Potter has never had the chance to write himself one of those memories, not that the rest would. Scorpius was sixteen when the newspapers said that Potter had been assassinated by a "fan" obsessive - Patrick Pinkley, who was killed mysteriously in transit to Azkaban. Scorpius does not know for sure if Albus had thought early on that was a lie, that in fact his father was killed, or whether it is a theory that has developed over time. They were at Hogwarts when it happened and the lessons were canceled for a whole week, the rooms of the castle occupied by seats instead of psychological help. Potter's children were obviously taken away from school, even if you returned a week later. Reacted to the tragedy in their own way - James gave himself body and soul to the study and graduated as the best of his year. Lily did her best to be rejected, and when he pretends to be a Squib, she attended Cambridge University and is working on a Masters Degree in Sociology. Albus went to bed with the professor of Defense.
After work Scorpius stops at the market in Diagon Alley and buy a little 'mushroom and cheese sauce for pasta. Albus always prepares the dough for the day after a particularly heavy hangover, or blueberry waffles and eggs in case they are also involved personal injury. They had become friends at Hogwarts, shortly after the death of the father of Albus, when they began to hide in the library, in the same corner where Scorpius loved burrowing. Albus was a star of Quidditch, and Scorpius had always thought it was beautiful and had followed the rumors about his amorous adventures with interest. He never imagined that Albus was also so damn funny and darkly funny. Fall in love with him was like a blow to the head, a bad idea that he was happy to have Scorpius, Albus and when they finally kissed him, it seemed a dream come true. This until recovered his breath and considered that Albus kissed a lot of people, had always done, apart from a casual fling with his best friend
dematerializes to his apartment with spending. While cooking it starts to rain, and try not to make too much noise, because the chamber door is closed Albus and he is probably still asleep. As much as bother to find Albus rotten drunk and slumped sprawled somewhere in the apartment that morning as it happened, but this does leading to these rare moments of quiet evening with him, often when Albus's head in her lap and supports the floor moaning, letting her fingers through her flowing hair. Although, in truth, Scorpius can do it whenever they want: Albus is not usually differ from physical contact, it's just that he does not like to ask, as do others. She never wants to think it had to be persuaded to give him that time.
Albus finally comes out when dinner is almost ready, no doubt attracted by the smell of food. Log into the kitchen and leans against the back of Scorpius, the notes blend the sauce.
" I'm shit," he murmurs, his chin on the shoulder of Scorpius. It is a little shorter than him, and tends to stay bent.
" Firewhiskey?"
" No, thanks."
" I meant is that if you drank .. .
"Oh. I do not know. I started with a beer, actually. "
eat on the couch because the kitchen table is covered with mail, leaflets, bills and probably backward. Albus was extremely rich but likes to pretend that the money his father do not exist. Eat a huge portion of pasta in less than two minutes and if they need another. Scorpius watches as the pot fills up, pleased.
" I would say that your stomach is fine," he says.
" I had not noticed to be hungry until now. "Albus back on the couch with his plate and sits down beside him beaming expression. "Do you think I would have died if not for you?"
"I guess the story on the Daily Prophet! Albus Severus Potter found dead with his head in the toilet! The spokesman James Potter do not comment! I think about it, you know? Would some pompous speech fucking at my funeral, then I reappear as a ghost, you know, and I would say to his wife that keeps the sciacquetta Spritlin Knightsbridge *. "
" About Adultery, "says Scorpius, not wanting to encourage the fantasies of his own death on Albus. "You were with the esteemed Mr. Lupin last night?"
" No, Teddy does not feel all week, I guess it stuck with the job. I was with this guy I met in Cambridge last week, when I went to see Lily - remember? I talked about him. However, it's been around here yesterday afternoon, so I went out and we watched a meeting of an amateur team in Quidditch. It was funny, someone had put a spell on the broom of the Seeker guest, must have fallen a dozen times. "
" How did you come here? "
& ldquo ; I have no idea. Luckily I did, anyway. "Try his usual smile, that's when he knows that he was an idiot. "Hey, good pasta."
a great night, chatting with old classmates, Albus and even washing dishes. Set the radio program after dinner to listen to a game of Quidditch, Scorpius and prepare a very strong coffee, hoping that everything hard. They sit together to listen to the interview, Scorpius and pretends to get excited every time he needs. Albus could have played as a professional, said it all. Tornados had been engaged in after school, but then they sent home when he missed five workouts in a row.
Albus Scorpius is listening to tell the infamous Beaters of the Falcons when they knock on the door. Looks at his watch and sees that it is almost midnight.
" Who is it?" He shouts, instinctively putting a hand on the leg of Albus. Once, when Scorpius was at work, two men had appeared to the apartment and had launched a powerful curse on Albus, then he could not talk for a month. Albus claims have been sent by his brother.
" Al, I am, open up," called Teddy over the door and Albus gets up quickly from the couch, giving Scorpius a conciliatory roll of the eyes. Teddy Lupin has a wife and three children in Cardiff. Scorpius is not sure when exactly that is started with Albus, but was at some family party in a quiet bedroom, when Albus was certainly too young. It was probably the time of death of the father of Albus, since on that Teddy can certainly be united with him.
" 's raining," he complains Teddy when he enters the apartment. Something in his tone, his remark makes it seem a reproach to Albus.
" you come on foot?" Albus asked, receiving in response a dirty look from Teddy.
" Yes, Albus, I came on foot from Cardiff. For the love of God Have you anything to drink? Oh - hello Scorpius. "
" Hey, Teddy. "Scorpius can not even be rude. Albus Teddy pretends to think that is ridiculous and hypocritical, and loves to tell Scorpius, but every time I called the other, he goes. Teddy should have been the elder brother James was not, but Albus, Albus being, at one point offered sexual favors, and Teddy, being a shit if they have profited.
" You look horrible," said Teddy, taking the face of Albus with his hand. "What happened?"
" Nothing. I've only made late last night. "
Teddy snorts with disapproval and entered the kitchen, where note the remaining dough.
"Ah, well," he says. "I'm starving. Can I get some '? "
Scorpius goes into her bedroom, thinking that the question was directed to Albus, that certainly say yes. Less than ten minutes after closing the door of this room is undecided between Albus and force himself to listen or not. He hates when they do there, even though you love the sound that can be heard through walls, that Albus urletto panting sounds when fucked hard. Scorpius went to bed with him three times in ten years, and only Once he had the courage to take that sound to him.
Teddy in the morning if they have already gone. The chamber door is ajar Albus, Scorpius, and when it passes as it heads into the kitchen, saw Albus spread on the mattress with the covers half deviating, the shoulders raised like wings on her back naked. Desperately wants to undress and slip into bed with him, keep him warm. Albus buckle around him and sighed, and barely notice it's there. Scorpius could even manage to sneak away before he wakes up.
But he is about to late for work, so it just puts a hand on the doorframe for a moment, turns and walks away.
[Part 2]
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